Good Natured Nutrition 

UI / UX, Identity Design


Good Natured Nutrition is based in Devon, with an emphasis on natural, holistic approaches to health and with strong local ties within the community.


The goal has been creating a completely new image, recreating the logo, a fresh new branding, and building the digital presence from scratch with a website that would enable customers to enjoy a better experience and navigate through services in a easier and clearer way, helped by a brand new, elegant and modern layout.

Designing the brand

The concept for the logo comes from a melding of symbols & shapes, multi layered meanings. The idea of eating well from natural sources being interconnected; A spoon? Or a head of corn? The repeating shapes below visualise leaves at the base of the plant, or perhaps a heart, the link between health and food.


Minimal with pops of colour

Earthy, natural tones with highlights to add a playful note.


Average was chosen for the overall look and feel. It was paired with Montserrat for web uses for ease of readability and large font family.



A new user journey was needed, improving the current UX of the website and designing a new set of wireframes for the entire site. Starting with user flows, sketches on paper and finally moving to digital to create high fidelity wireframes. After several iterations with client feedback and user testing the result was a clean, simple layout, highly visual with beautiful photographs and easy to find contact / booking info. Also incorporating filters to allow the user to sort news & recipe posts in a more personalised way.



Using the wireframes and new brand guidelines for the final UI Design of the site. The aim was for the design aesthetic to be minimal with a strong focus on content and typography. 

The site is multi layered, with news items and recipes, but with the main goal of bringing in more clients for Nutrition Consultations. All of the basic elements are displayed on the home screen, but for those who want to discover more the home page contains 'info boxes' to lead the user further into the site.

The recipes contain tags and so can be filtered by focus or food type, a key request discovered through user testing.


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